Destiny: The Taken King

Legend of You

Case Study

Emmy Award Winning

Take This Lollipop

Case Study

Young Empires

So Cruel

Case Study

Tourism Victoria

Remote Control Tourist

Case Study
Imposium is now part of Mediaocean! See how this enhances Flashtalking’s video personalization capabilities.Read Press Release

Award Winning Personalized Video Experiences

Nickel Media specializes in award winning multi platform development. We build websites, apps, dynamic videos, and interactive video experiences. Since 2005, we have built a reputation of quality work over demanding timelines. Our work on development tools like the Imposium video rendering platform help us build better products for our clients.

Let's work together

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you create your next interactive video experience, please drop us a line, we would love to hear about it.

Contact us